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stream socket中文是什么意思

用"stream socket"造句"stream socket"怎么读"stream socket" in a sentence


  • 串流尺度
  • 串流通讯端
  • 流式套接字
  • 流套接口
  • "stream"中文翻译    n. 1.河流,小河;川,溪。 2.流出,流注;一连串, ...
  • "socket"中文翻译    n. 1.(承物或藏物的)孔,洞,窝,凹处,承口。 2. ...
  • "socket" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.(承物或藏物的)孔,洞,窝,凹处,承口。 2.【解剖学】(眼)窝,腔;(齿)槽;【地质学;地理学】牙槽;(烛台的)烛窝;轴孔;【机械工程】承窝;座;套节;轴承。 3.【电学】插口,插座,管座。 the eye socket 眼窝。 an electric bulb socket 电灯泡插座。 a socket pipe 套管。 a reducing socket 异径管节,大小头。 a screw socket 螺丝插口。 socket wrench 套筒扳手。 vt. 1.给…配插座[承口等];使装入插座,用插座固定住。 2.用球棒的后跟击(高尔夫球)。
  • "t socket" 中文翻译 :    t形套筒
  • "t-socket" 中文翻译 :    t形套筒; 丁形套筒; 丁字套管; 三通接头; 形套管
  • "t-socket t" 中文翻译 :    形套管
  • "a stream of" 中文翻译 :    一连串,一系列; 一连串的..
  • "be on stream" 中文翻译 :    投入生产
  • "in a stream" 中文翻译 :    处于-状态
  • "of the stream" 中文翻译 :    小溪
  • "on stream" 中文翻译 :    进行生产; 在开发过程中; 在流程中; 在运转中
  • "on-stream" 中文翻译 :    adv.,adj. 在生产中(的)。
  • "stream" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.河流,小河;川,溪。 2.流出,流注;一连串,(人物等的)辈出。 3.(事件等的)连续;(财富等的)滚滚而来。 4.趋势,倾向,潮流。 5.〔英国〕(一个年级学生中按智力划分的)班组。 A bridge is being built over the foaming stream. 正在这条怒流滚滚的河上建造一座桥。 The accident delayed a long stream of cars, buses and bicycles. 这一交通事故阻碍了一条汽车、公共汽车和脚踏车的长流。 a stream of lava 熔岩流。 sun streams 太阳光线。 the stream of time [times] 时代趋势。 the stream of popular opinion 舆论趋势。 the stream of thought 思潮。 against the stream 逆流;违反时势。 down (the) stream 顺流,向下游。 go by in a stream 一连串陆续通过。 in streams [a stream] 连续,陆续,接连,川流不息地。 in the stream 在河的中流。 up (the) stream 逆流,向上游。 with the stream 顺流;顺应时势。 vi. 1.流,流动;(泪等)流出;(光线等)射出。 2.蜂拥而进,鱼贯而行,川流不息地通过。 3.(旗等)飘扬,招展;(头发)飘动。 vt. 1.使流,使流出,倾注。 2.使飘扬;展开(旗帜等)。 3.把(学生)按智力等分班。 Students are now streaming back to their dormitories. 现在学生们川流不息地回到宿舍去。 I turned off the light and let the moonlight stream in through the window. 我关上电灯,让月光从窗间照射进来。 The flag is streaming in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘扬。 a streaming cold 流鼻涕淌眼泪的感冒。 a streaming umbrella 淌着雨水的伞。 crowd streaming past 接连不断走过的群众。 Her eyes streamed tears. 她的眼睛流泪。 The honeysuckle was streaming scent. 忍冬花放出香气。 The school streams pupils into three classes. 学校按智力把学生分成三班。 adj. -d 1.=streamline. 2.最新式的。
  • "stream no" 中文翻译 :    物流号
  • "stream on" 中文翻译 :    在流程中
  • "ac in socket" 中文翻译 :    交流输入插座
  • "ac socket" 中文翻译 :    交流插座; 交流电插座
  • "accessory socket" 中文翻译 :    副铰窝
  • "adaptor socket" 中文翻译 :    阴接头
  • "aerial socket" 中文翻译 :    天线插座
  • "airtight socket" 中文翻译 :    封闭式接受腔
  • "alarm socket" 中文翻译 :    告警灯插座
  • "alveolar socket" 中文翻译 :    牙槽
  • "anchor socket" 中文翻译 :    锚定插座; 锚座
  • "ante a socket" 中文翻译 :    天经插座


  • But in this case , the reader of the stream socket gets 200 bytes
  • Two independent writes to the stream socket of 100 bytes each are performed
  • When using this control code on stream sockets , the return value indicates the number of bytes available
  • More importantly though , it automatically applies them as necessary beneath a simple stream socket api
  • Stream socket programming is also studied in this thesis to support the software implementation of proposed wireless image communication system
  • For the purpose of the network job management , all models inside server should communicate with each other among different network and different os . this is realized by stream socket
  • It ' s well known that the project documentations " storage and management have an very important effect on the development of all kinds of project , and as the information age is coming , network technology has been applied to this procedure gradually . this article mainly introduces the study and realization of a internet - based project documentation storage and management system which application programming frame is built with delphi6 . 0 and sql server2000 . based on the tcp / ip protocol , the system try to establish a c / s model with connection - oriented , dependable stream sockets and multithread technology to complete some especial data communications by networks , such as the files of project , directory of user , all self - defined commands or messages and their parameters , and so on
    本文所研究的《基于internet的项目文档存储管理系统》通过delphi6 . 0和visualc + + 6 . 0相结合的开发平台,结合sqlserver2000 ,将client server模式的数据库技术和windowssocket网络通信技术进行集成,遵循tcp ip协议,同样采用c s结构运行于internet ,通过服务器将处于各个不同物理位置的客户机连接起来,形成一个交流平台;其中,引入了目前国际上流行的先进的安全管理控制方法? ?角色控制理论对用户进行权限分配,使拥有相应角色的人具有相应权限;然后系统自动根据组织部门或用户的设立在服务器端生成相应的网络“虚拟文件柜” ,使拥有相应权限的人可以对相应文件柜中的文档进行整理;再通过多线程技术和windows套接字通信机制在tcp ip协议上实现了单个文件及目录的传输。
用"stream socket"造句  


In computer networking, a stream socket is a type of internet socket which provides a connection-oriented, sequenced, and flow of data without record boundaries, with well-defined mechanisms for creating and destroying connections and for detecting errors.
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